My goal with this website is to provide you with tools, mental maps and ideas to help you become more productive and to achieve the things that really matter to you.
I’m an exuberant believer in continuous, on-going development. I believe that people have amazing potential. We all have the capacity to become better at what we do, to improve ourselves as a human beings, to become more skilled at working with others, to develop new business acumen, and to become more emotionally mature. I believe that the process of continuous development is healthy one, and a necessary one. It’s a way of staying psychologically fit. Without continuous learning and growth we can become rigid and inflexible. We can become locked into our personal preferences and personal perspectives to such a degree, that we become psychologically rigid, unable to have the influence we want on the world around us. We can lose the ability to savor and feel satisfaction in our lives.
Learning and development is just as important at the organizational level. Not only does it have a direct impact on the attitudes, skills and capabilities of employees, it also directly affects the organization’s overall performance by positivly influencing the way that those empoyees work together and by raising their level of engagement.
I am both an educator as well as a life long student. I’m continuously looking for opportunities to develop new skills, acquire knowledge or attempt new challenges. I read voraciously, attend multiple seminars every year as a participant and I try to expand my horizons by doing things I haven’t done before. This website is as much for me as it is for you. It’s a new challenge for me. I know very little about developing or maintaining a website. On the other hand, before you click to another site, I want to reassure you that I do have a great deal of experience with learning and development. I’ve helped literally thousands of clients over the years, in my workshops, in the training programs I’ve developed or in coaching relationships, to develop new skills and capacities. This website gives me a chance to do that in a different way. I’m excited about the challenge and I really look forward to developing my skills in this medium.
I’m not giving up my personal practice. I like it too much. I’m still planning on continuing to design and deliver seminars, work with teams and organizations and coach, both in person and over the phone. If you or your organization is interested or can benefit, take a look at the Work With Me section of this site.
My learning preference is to look for and gravitate to tools that I can practically use. I’m in awe of some of my colleague’s ability to theorize and conceptualize. But personally, I’m less interested in the theory behind the idea than I am in how I can use the idea on the job or for my own development. You can expect that this site will focus on tangible ideas and concepts including:
- concrete behavioral tools – for working with or leading others
- analytical processes – for diagnosing and making decisions
- and cognitive maps – for understanding yourself and the organizations and systems you operate within.
Right now it’s a new site. Take a look at what’s currently here, but check back soon. I’ll be updating the site regularly, but it may take me a little while to get the videos and podcasts up.
Thanks for checking out the site!